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Certificate Course in Early Childhood Care Education

The need for an Early Childhood Care Education (ECCE) was recognized by the National Policy on Education. It is realized that Early Childhood Care Education (ECCE) is a strong base for primary education. The Certificate of Early Childhood Care Education (ECCE) is awarded by National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), Ministry of Human Resourse Development, Governemnet of India.

Eligibility Criteria

10th Pass

Course Duration

1 Year

Course Curriculum

Understanding the Child (Code - 439)

  1. Growth and Development
  2. Understanding Development of Children below Three
  3. Understanding Development of Children below Three 2
  4. Nutrition and Health of a 3-6 Year Old
  5. Delayed Development and Means to Improve It

Early Childhood Care and Education - Principles and Processes (Code - 440)

  1. EarlyChildhoodCareandEducation
  2. Approachesto EarlyChildhoodCareandEducation
  3. BasesofAnEffectiveProgramme
  4. The Programme
  5. EvolvingaDevelopmentalProfileofaChild

Organizing and Managing an Early Childhood Care and Education Centre (Code - 441)

  1. Physical Facilities and Learning Material
  2. Staff.in an ECCE Centre
  3. Mobilising Community Support
  4. ECCE Centre and Linkage with Home
  5. Administration, Supervision and Financing in ECCE Centre
  6. Setting Up An ECCEIECE Centre